Kayak MO!
Click on a lake marker on the map below or choose one in the drop down list to go directly to the detail page.

Here at Kayak Missouri we attempt to cover our public lakes with a fine toothed comb but we understand we are only human. Did we miss a lake? Do you have a favorite you care to share? Send us your lake information, and as long as some sort of kayak is allowed and usable on the water there, we'll mark it. Send us a line on our contact page and we can make arrangements to get the information. Provide a small write up on the lake and its access point(s) with all the pertinent details. We appreciate an image or two and the longitude and latitude of the access point(s) if it is(they are) available. Just click here contact us and send us the info so we can work on getting it incorporated.

Kayak Missouri is only documenting public accesses; while we appreciate tips on private lakes and private lake accesses, they will not be published at this time.